Sunday, January 15, 2012

DIY - Watermelon Sneakers

Ao navegar pela Internet encontrei um modelo das Vans pelo qual me apaixonei. Uma vez que não consegui encomendá-lo por pertencer a uma colecção passada decidi pôr mãos à obra!

A Sónia pintou a sola de verde (que com o uso precisa de levar um retoque ou outro) e a Sofia desenhou a sementes que eu preenchi!

Ténis Vermelhos
Tinta Verde, apropriada para plástico
Marcador Verde para Tecido 

I have an old passion for Vans sneakers. While I was surfing the Internet I found an old model that looked like a Watermelon - It was love at first sight!
I wasn’t able to purchase the model, because it was out of stock. But it didn’t stop me. With the help of my sisters I was able to create a look-a-like pair of sneakers to myself!
It was really easy. First Sónia painted the sole green, and then Sofia draw the seeds. I just had to paint the interior of the seeds.

Red Sneakers
Green Plastic Paint
Black Fabric Marker

A minha fonte de inspiração:
The sneakers I mentioned above:


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