Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ghost Town

Lembram-se do post da Sónia Forever Cardigan? Óptimo! Estas foram as fotografias que a Sónia me tirou no mesmo dia. O que vos parece?
A Sónia decidiu brincar com a luz e o tempo de exposição. No fim acho que o ar das fotografias vai muito bem com a roupa que tinha vestida. Concordas?

Remember Sónia post Forever Cardigan? Great! These are the photos Sónia took that same day, or should I say night. What do you think? She decided to play a bit with the lights and the exposure of the photos. I think that the feel you get from the photos matches the outfit very well. Do you agree?


  1. Love the photos...<3 The outfit is cool!^^

  2. beautiful pics!!!!amazing blog!!! i'm following you!!
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